First November Update!

First work by a new concept artist. Dungeon for Alpha version.


I’m happy to welcome you to the first update of November. A slight two-day delay, but we’re trying to maintain a two-week update pace!

Two more people have joined the team – Zu, who is a concept artist and experienced Game Master and will be setting the artistic tone for the map generation elements. The second person to join the team is Ula, a Unity programmer with over 10 years of experience, returning from a long vacation. Ula created the tech-demo of the first version of Never Ending Dungeon, so we’re delighted to have her back.

With Ula’s return came the technical cleanup of the project, a rather tedious thing that took up a lot of our time. But thanks to this we will be able to handle such a big project.

For the last two weeks, Jacek, our machine learning wizard, optimized the database for AI learning and developed the algorithms needed to build the adventure. We were breaking down into elements what the adventure should contain to make sense. We call it a „meta-story” in our project (we called it that before Facebook changed the name ;). Based on the meta-story, we will generate the content of the adventure and a matching map. For those who are interested in AI – we have decided that we need an independent technology, so we are creating our own AI without using GPT-3. GPT-3 would, unfortunately, limit us a lot because using this AI would require paying a fee for each use (so we would have to limit the number of adventures generated for you). We would be dependent on someone else’s technology. We have ambitious plans for AI, so we don’t want that.

The graphics team, consisting of Kate and Jacek, have been preparing the following assets needed to generate the Dungeon:

Various Dungeon Passages
Monster Stands
Column models for use in dungeon generation

And the part that is not so graphically impressive, but very exciting for us. Ula has started implementing our graphical assets into Unity in order to generate dungeons. She and Jack are working on the right data format to pick up from the meta-story in order to build a map logically connected to the adventure. We hope to show the results of this work in two weeks!

A few more concept art from Zu:

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