November Update

Hey everyone!

We are back with another update. After the Tech Alpha was released, your response exceeded our wildest expectations. Thanks to everyone who shared their feelings and thoughts with us on Discord! We took your feedback and the bugs you reported to heart and started working on the first update to the Tech Alpha. We plan to release the update to the Tech Alpha next week.  We also plan to release the roadmap at the beginning of next year.

The bug fixes we are working on include but are not limited to the following:

  • repairing the save system,
  • fixing the lighting in the Top Down view export,
  • making sure that the grid for Roll20 aligns better with the NED grid,
  • fixing the bug with truncated walls (in top-down view) in the export to Roll20,
  • fixing the banners that could not be aligned correctly,
  • fixing  the objects protruding outside the dungeon,
  • making sure that the menu with text scrolls correctly, that the text fits, and that the scrolling text does not cause simultaneous camera scrolling in the dungeon,
  • repairing other minor bugs.

We are working on a Tech Alpha version for Mac and are currently in the testing phase.

Now it’s time for us to talk about features that will not be included in the Tech Alpha, but we’re working on them for future releases.

In addition to fixing bugs, we are working on new logic for cameras. We know the current camera may seem hard to use, so we plan to make it more user-friendly.

Anna has also joined our team as our Designer. Anna is a DM with many years of experience and will make sure that NED becomes the best possible tool for DMs and that NED-generated adventures become more immersive.
Anna’s recent activities included:

  • working on more interesting text for the adventure: more quests, more variety in the story that can be generated,
  • a first draft of a quest-giver/NPC generation system,
  • a first draft of a new map generation system which will make the dungeon more interesting, more elaborate, and give the assets more sensible placement.

Maciek has also joined our party as a Senior Producer! He will organize the workflow and ensure that everything is in order. He’s also been a DM for about 24 years now, most Friday nights are tabletop RPG nights! 

Aga is also continuing to improve the quality of lighting, fog, and post-processing. Our goals are:

  • nicer lighting within the dungeon,
  • we want the fog and lighting to look the same, regardless of the size of the generated map,
  • additional fog for areas below level 0 (i.e., terrain elevation) on the map.

You can check out the first results here, but we’re still working on improving them:

Our 3D Artists, Kate and Jacek, have prepared asset galleries for you:

And Zu, our Art Lead, has some new concepts for you:

Thanks for reading!


Spellarena Team

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