August Update!

Hello everyone!

The work on Alpha continues. Over the past month, we have done a lot of work on assets. We worked in terms of producing new materials as well as integrating them into the editing model (here, we had small problems, but they have been resolved). We hope to be able to deliver Alpha for you at the end of August! 

Keep your fingers crossed!!!

And what we struggled with, which is the integration of all assets into the Dungeon setting:

In addition, we added to NED:

  • Grid (you can choose color and transparency)
  • Search System so you can navigate easier in the asset library (still work in progress)
  • Saving and loading dungeon
  • export to Roll20 and PNG

We’ve prepared for you a sneak peek from the cave:

You may see some interesting things there 😉

And Zu is working on concepts for the new setting:

Thank you for being with us!!! <3

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