Special Development Diary – New Adventure Begins

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since our last post. We are sorry for being quiet for so long; we know you were worried, but many things have happened since then, and we had to sort them all out…

Getting to the point – we are on track to sign a major publishing deal with an excellent publisher!!! This will make Underground Garage the biggest and best mechanic simulator ever <3

On top of that, six amazing professionals will join our team from the beginning of August, so the work on the new version will speed up a lot. We are excited <3

We apologize for the lack of new information on progress, graphics, or trailer. Our new potential publisher has asked us to keep the new materials to ourselves, as they are very good, and would like to assist us in publishing them to spread very well.

We are grateful for your continuous support, help in testing, and warm words in both the comments and on Discord. Thanks to you, we are here and can realize our dreams! We can’t wait for the moment when we’ll be able to show you everything <3


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